Trust in the Lord or Confidence in Man: Which do you possess?
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." -Psalms 118:8
This eighth verse of Psalm 118 opens the reality of the danger of where we replace God with man in our lives. The following passages: Psalm 60:11; Psalm 62:9; Psalm 108:12; Psalm 146:3; Isaiah 2:22; Isaiah 31:3; Isaiah 37:6; Jeremiah 17:5-6, all share the same sentiment as Psalm 118:8. There is no place for common ground between God and man in the dimensions of trust and confidence in our lives. Man shares nothing in common with God other than the attributes which God has allowed to be communicable (those which, to a limited degree, He can also bestow upon his creatures) toward man. Those are the capacity to love, have power, knowledge, wisdom, holiness, goodness, truth, and justice. Others are incommunicable (those which cannot thus be bestowed, but which, of necessity, exist only in God) such as, self-existence, immutability, infinity, including immensity and eternality.
Now with that kind of knowledge about God doesn't it make real sense and show wisdom from above, to trust in the Lord instead of putting confidence in man? As Dr. Steve Brown of Key Life Network and Professor Emeritus of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry at Reformed Theological Seminary often says, "Now you think about that!!!"