Some things are just too obvious to deny!
In a recent April 9, 2009 article by Jim Brown, entitled, “Warren’s ‘backsliding’ on marriage damages the church” Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. of Washington, D. C.’s High Impact Leadership Coalition was outraged that Rick Warren of Saddleback Church of Lake Forest, California would offer his apology Monday, April 6, 2009 on CNN’s Larry King Live(1) concerning his support during the fall of 2008 of California’s marriage proposition 8 amendment.(2) Jackson said, Warren has done “tremendous damage” by his apology. Warren stated that he “has never been and never will be an anti-gay marriage activist.”(3)
It's apparent to me that the Bible, which many like Warren purports to believe in, truly disagrees with them. So it is obvious to me that they just don't believe or agree with the Bible or what it says. But the desire is to fit into both camps to gain from each what is most influential rather than to "from the start", just please God or what God has said in the Bible regarding this and other matters, that He regards as sin and unrighteousness, as well as those that are holy and righteousness.
Also, I don’t want to be judgmental in the since of knowing for certain; but I seem to want to think and sense that men like Warren, Osteen, Ted Haggard and the like are hiding indiscretions. Maybe even the likelihood of just such sins in their own lives. After all, if you notice in Paul's statement to the Romans in chapter one verse 32 he states, "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
I believe these two phrases show the two reasons for the sudden turn-about by many in agreement to support homosexuality and other sexual perversions.
Notice the phrases "not only do the same" and "but have pleasure in them that do them".
First, the phrase "not only do the same" is quite suggestive from Paul that these, to whom it is apparent, knowing of God's judgment of death to all who practice these lifestyles of sin, also themselves "do the same". This is why I stated that there seems to be a 'hiding of indiscretions'. Why else would anyone knowing the judgment of God against this, not condemn these lifestyles?
Finally, the phrase "but have pleasure in them that do them". This is also obvious that Paul is showing that there is the carrying out of these sins in the lives of these persons (who know the death judgment of God against these sins and upon those who practice it), but also, the pleasure they have with the persons who practice these sins. There is also a since of pleasure with these persons if you think about it in our day, in which they (homosexuals and the like) are large supporters to "ministries" that support their causes rather than condemn those causes. So in that since, there is a pleasure by many who "have pleasure in them that do them". That is why I said at the start that the desire by men such as these is to fit into both camps to gain from each what is most influential rather than please God. God will take care of any ministry and minister He has called if they would just do the work of ministry to which He has called them.
This is why I believe there is this sudden turnabout by Warren and others to support these lifestyles and the persons who practice them.
3. Ibid.,