Thursday, December 24, 2020

"The Events of Christmas: Scripture vs. Handed Down Stories"

Textual points from Scripture found in Matthew 2 and Luke 2 about the events of Christmas are not always what we are told as handed down stories of the events of Christmas.  Here are a few to consider:

1.  When the magi see Jesus as a young child He is at least two years old and living in a house (Matt 2:10-11, 16).  

2. When the shepherds see Jesus in Luke 2 He is a newly born baby wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a manger in a animal stable which was actually a cave not a modern animal barn as we are familiar with (Luke 2:7-20).  

3. There is also in Matthew 2 not three magi as is often told (Matt 2:1, 7).  The number of magi is more than one because the word 'magi' is given in the plural form; but what that number is, is not known.  The text says that there are three gifts or kinds of gifts which the unknown number of magi brought:  gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matt 2:11). 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

"A Roadway in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert"

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert" (Isaiah 43:19 - NASB).

This text in Isaiah 43:19 is a comforting reminder from the Lord that He will do things never before done in our lives both as individuals and as a collective.

He will "make roadways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert".

We all are sometimes or will be, at places of aloness and barrenness.  The comfort is in knowing that our Lord can change the situation to our advantage.  A lone wilderness can become a pathway out for you.  And also a pathway out of which others can trod with the assurance that as you made it through by His hand, so can they.  Also, no matter how barren and dry your life at times as a desert can be.  The Lord can bring a river flowing through to refresh your parched life and soul with the comfort you so desperately need.

So as you begin this new year 2020, have as my friend, Dustin Echols has said about the new year 2020...'what 20/20 stands for optically - "clear vision"'.

After all the text of Isaiah 43:19 also says' "Will you not be aware of it?"  The Lord wants our eyes open to His workings within our lives...a roadway in the wilderness...rivers in the desert.  Only He works that way!!!

Happy 2020 New Year!!!